Letter to the Editor: Where is Bedford’s Leverage with the Salt Shed?

January 19, 2015

By Kara Cournoyer

A Letter to the EditorMassDOT is moving swiftly on their planned salt storage and highway maintenance facility on Burlington Road. According to their presentation to approximately 100 concerned residents at a recent public information meeting, they hope to begin work in April.

How can this possibly happen so quickly when most of us just found out about it? One reason is that MassDOT’s plan to turn a natural landscape near wetlands into a parking lot and a 45-foot shed that will store 5,000 tons of salt requires them to conduct exactly zero environmental, traffic or noise studies. Their path is clear.

Other revelations from the “information” meeting proved equally dissatisfying.

  • Their response to why they sold their appropriately zoned facility on Crosby Drive? Because a private developer expressed interest in it.
  • Their response to why they’re replacing it in a residentially zoned neighborhood? It’s our preferred location.
  • Their response to concerns from neighbors about noise and light pollution? We’ll replace some of the trees we cut down and in 15 years they’ll be mature enough to partially obscure the facility.
  • Their response to the Historic Preservation Commission’s concerns about proximity to Wilson Mill? We are exempt from federal historic preservation law because we are not using federal funds for this project.
  • Their response to concerns about increased sodium discharge into nearby Vine Brook? Baseline water quality studies are very expensive, so we’re not doing one.
  • Their response to concerns about increased flood risk due to replacing a natural landscape with several acres of hardscape?  We’re confident in our storm water management plan.
  • Their response to concerns about cracked foundations due to a massive ledge blasting operation? Law requires us to cover any damage if homes are within a certain distance, but yours are just outside of that radius.
  • Their response to how 8 to 10 large trucks pulling onto and off Route 62 hourly during a snow event may create a safety issue? The plows and salt spreaders have warning lights on them.

We appreciate your comments. We understand that you have concerns. Please put them in writing.

The reason MassDOT’s answers were so inadequate is simple: They don’t need to be adequate. It’s a state-owned parcel perfectly situated to avoid triggering intervention from the Town, or, it appears, anyone else.

We’ll build on our preferred site, thank you very much, but we’ll certainly take your concerns into consideration.

It might sound like there is no leverage, but there’s always a way. Here’s hoping Bedford finds it in time.

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Joseph C Damery
January 19, 2015 10:02 pm

The General tenor of, MASSDOT”S Intentions, pretty much show Us, how the Autonomy of that All-Powerful-Institution has for many Decades completely disregarded the, Concerns of, We-The-People… Case in point; Elsewhere throughout The Commonwealth, Lands have been secured for Any of their Projects that potentially impacted Wetland Runoffs even in areas Not far from Massive Watersheds that abut, such locations as large as, The Clinton Reservoir’s Spread, by as little as 3 or 4 miles…. A ride up thru route 62, into higher Elevations, and One can see All-manner of Stream-Dams that only get impacted following Harsh-Winter Snow-Melts when Road-Salts can’t avoid being Washed into those Brooks & Streams only to most likely get swept along towards Our Own water sources… As for a 15 year Regrowth of Green-Shielding, Thats simple, Ashtetics; not, Chemical-Invasion-Retardation… …. My hope is like, ” Ms Cournoyer’s, that A Way Can Be found to Effectively Curb, That Continued, March of The BIG Guys, over The Common-Folk…

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