Is a Swimming Pool Bubbling Up in Bedford’s Future?

By Meredith McCulloch

SelectmenInterest in a town-owned swimming facility arose in two separate reports at the Selectmen’s meeting on October 20. DPW Director Roy Sorenson and members of the Recreation Commission reviewed the ongoing difficulty in maintaining water clarity at the pond in Springs Brook Park, despite many attempted solutions over the years. They are recommending that the town pursue a new direction and do a feasibility study for potential replacement of Springs Brook Park pond with a year-round pool.

Recreation Director Amy Hamilton wrote in a memo, “The water clarity problem restricts use extensively.” She explained that in addition to limiting patrons’ ability to enjoy the pond, the poor clarity interferes with offering swimming lessons and park summer programs. Members of the Recreation Commission reported that water clarity has continued to be a problem, and over the years many attempts to eliminate the problem have not been successful in the long term.

The state requirement is for four feet of visibility, but that is a minimum and doesn’t guarantee safety.  Recreation Commission member Tara Capobianco commented that watching the lifeguards hold hands and walk the pond searching for a potential body is a chilling sight.

According to Hamilton, use by Bedford residents has diminished over the years and is highest during weekdays, whereas weekend use draws more patrons from other towns. The Recreation Department’s primary interest is in serving Bedford residents she added.

Selectmen Margot Fleischman, who described herself as a frequent user, stressed the affordability of the pond and described it as one of the few places left in town where residents gather during the summer.

Rosenberg said, “It is a pristine environment. People really appreciate it, but nothing changes the fact that this has been a losing battle for a whole generation. And the Recreation Commission is courageous to finally confront that it is time to at least investigate alternatives.”

Selectman Caroline Fedele asked about park income and attendance. Last year income was $25,000 less than operating costs, Amy Hamilton reported. The Selectmen asked for a financial breakdown of costs and income over several years.

The Commission suggested using a balance of $38,190 previously appropriated from Community Preservation Funds for an earlier Springs Brook Park study by the firm Beals and Thomas.  The feasibility study is estimated to cost $35,000. The Request for Proposal will be prepared over the winter and must go out for bids. Selectman Bill Moonan was concerned that planning for the summer 2015 season would need to begin before a study would be completed.

National Citizen Survey

In a separate report, Assistant Town Manager Jessica Porter reviewed results from the National Citizen Survey, an extensive survey of local residents’ perceptions of the town.   Questions regarding a Town pool were included. According to her memo, “The survey question relative to support for a community swimming pool indicates that 72% of respondents were somewhat or strongly in support of a community pool with indoor and outdoor features that can be utilized year round. The survey question relative to the type of pool – indoor, outdoor or hybrid- received consistent response between 50 percent and 59 percent.  When a subsequent question asked how much residents would be willing to pay, 31percent said they would be willing to pay $500-$999 for an annual pass. Only 11percent would be willing to pay $1000 to $1500 a year.

(Watch the Bedford Citizen for more news about the National Citizen Survey and its results.)

CORRECTION – October 24, 2014: This article has been changed to correct the name of a speaker.

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Amy Hamilton
October 23, 2014 1:15 pm

Thank you for writing about the potential of a pool at
SBP. One quick note is that if a pool or pools are ultimately put
at the SBP location, the pool(s) would be summer use only, not year
round. We love the SBP environment and a safe, desired summer facility at that location is high on the priority list of the Recreation Department and Recreation Commission.

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