Drinking Water Continues to Be Safe

September 17, 2014

By Meredith McCulloch

Image (c) www.ibnlive.in.com

At their September 8 meeting, the Selectmen asked Public Works Director Roy Sorenson for more details about water quality and the ongoing testing program. The mailing about water quality sent to each household in early September is a requirement by the MWRA (Massachusetts Water Resource Authority) and was not prompted by any risks found through the testing. Sorenson explained that coliform bacteria have been found in the water, but their presence in limited amounts is normal. However they may be a precursor to other problems, thus the monitoring continues. Sorenson emphasized that residents do not need to boil water or take any other precaution. Bedford water is safe.

Actually, tests showing the bacteria or “hits” have declined substantially since issues were first discovered two years ago. Then there were165 hits. Recent testing showed only six hits. “The numbers may be lower this year in part because it was overall a cooler summer, and we may not be out of the woods yet,” Sorenson said. Two years ago a great dealing of flushing of the pipes was required, however less flushing is needed this year, resulting in lower costs for the town.

For a copy of the mailing and a message from Department of Public Works see: https://www.bedfordma.gov/sites/bedfordma/files/u133/water_notice_august_2014_0.pdf

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