Charter Review Committee Recommends Expansion of Volunteer Coordinating Committee

September 22, 2014

By Meredith McCulloch

Charter-ReviewThe Charter Review Committee considered a change in the size of the Volunteer Coordinating Committee (VCC) at their September 11 meeting. VCC chair Patricia Carluccio spoke against increasing the size of the committee from three to five, as proposed. The VCC had voted 2-1 against the increase with Joseph Piantidosi and Carluccio opposed. Carol Amick, the third member and a supporter of the increase, had approached the Charter Review Committee as a citizen, not representing the committee, to argue for the larger number.

Carluccio reported that the committee has worked well at its present size, and they have presented lists of volunteer for all openings.  There had been a backlog when VCC vacancies had occurred, but currently the committee is caught up on its work. She added that many residents are stepping forward to volunteer,

The argument for an expanded committee was that more members would create a larger circle of contacts to be recruited.  It would also leave a strong committee should one person be unavailable for a period of time due to illness or other personal situation.

Many Charter Committee members praised the work of the VCC and said that considering a change did not indicate any criticism of their efforts. All agreed that the goal was to have a strong committee with broad representation of the town

The purpose of the committee as described in the Town Charter, is to recruit and identify qualified candidates for all appointive offices in the Town, except for appointees who work full or part time for remuneration and except for appointments to the Volunteer Coordinating Committee.

In the end the Charter Review Committee voted to recommend increasing the VCC committee size from three to five by 6-0-2 (two abstentions.) A second recommendation, to increase the number of days to provide a list of volunteers from thirty to sixty days, was also approved.

The Charter Review Committee will meet at on September 22 at 6:45 pm to complete their recommendations and will present them to the Selectmen that evening.

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