Ad Hoc Museum Study Committee Considers the Library as Potential Site

September 19, 2014

By Joan Bowen

ad-hoc-HistMusMeeting for the third time, the Ad Hoc Museum Study Committee (AHMC) determined its initial focus will be on municipal facilities and agreed that the first in-depth exploration of a potential site would be with the Bedford Library. Not only is there potential for the Library to meet all the criteria the group has identified, there is a synergy between the educational missions of the museum and the Library. The Committee will continue to explore whether there is existing space or if an addition would be the only option for this location.

Frank Gicca, representing the Bedford Historical Society as a non-voting member of the AHMC, described what he envisions as a small addition to the current Library. The first floor would provide open access to a permanent exhibit focused on Bedford’s early history. Rotating displays of historical artifacts would be located on the second floor with the business office and archives on the third floor. Generally, he sees the Library as the optimal location given its hours, staffing and central location.

Eighteen potential sites have been identified, including existing municipal space or additions to current municipal properties, acquisition of a historical home, moving and renovating a house, or a donation of a home. Ideally, the museum space would provide 3500 square feet for permanent displays focused on colonial Bedford, rotating displays, storage of the archives, a business office and a meeting room. The assessment criteria include a central location, parking in proximity to the museum, on-site staffing to maximize the number of hours the museum would be open and historical interest of the site.

During the course of their discussion Monday evening (September 15), the Committee agreed that their objectives must include assuring the security of the Bedford Historical Society holdings, protection of the materials through climate control, and accessibility to the materials through maximizing the number of hours the displays can be viewed will be important to determining their final recommendations.

In tandem with review of the potential of the identified sites, members of the AHMC will continue to visit similar museums to learn about their experiences. Their next meeting is scheduled for September 29.

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Citizens for a Better Bedford
September 22, 2014 8:39 am

Because of the limited parking at the Library site, it would be most advantageous to consider a location with more accessible parking at all times. Additionally, to add-on to the existing library could take away valuable future expansion area for additional library materials down the road. In sum, it would be most advantageous to combine the chamber of commerce and the historical museum as a means to generate both interest and revenue in the town. That is, place a historical museum in proximity to ‘Entering Bedford’ sign on Great Road. Not only will that give tourists gateway information upon entering Bedford from nearby Lexington, it would mark the beginning of a historic trail from Lexington to Bedford’s historic center. Such combination of history and the chamber would provide visitors with welcome information about Bedford today, yesterday, and provide a venue for selling Bedford memorabilia. This venue would certainly provide a gateway transition for Lexington tourists embarking on a historic venture through Bedford and then on to nearby Concord. The three towns should work in concert to provide a natural connection that will link the history of Bedford, Concord and Lexington to the historic battles, as well as tracing the famous ride of Paul Revere through Bedford.

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