Tree Removals Make Way for Additions at Bedford Schools: A New Press Box and Modular Classrooms

August 15, 2014

Plan showing where trees will be removed to make way for new Sabourin Field press box - Courtesy image
Plan showing where trees will be removed to make way for new Sabourin Field press box – Courtesy image

By Julie McCay Turner

The process for removing a Town-owned shade tree requires a hearing, and one was held on Tuesday evening to secure removal of several tall pine trees behind the Sabourin Field bleachers.

The pines that will be removed - Courtesy image
The pines that will be removed – Courtesy image

Athletic Director Keith Mangan explained that the trees are in the way of a new, pre-fabricated press box that will be installed later this fall. Declared unsafe, the field’s original wooden press box was dismantled before the 2012 football season began, and game officials used an industrial lift platform to rise above the crowd and call the games.

While the new press box won’t be delivered in time for the Buccaneer’s home opener against the Vineyarders of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School on Friday evening, September 5, it quite likely will be installed before the traditional Thanksgiving game when the Patriots of Concord Carlisle play in Bedford.

Mangan noted that an 8’ x 18’ press box has been ordered from Dant Clayton, the same company that supplied Bedford’s home team bleachers. It will be accessed by climbing the bleacher steps until a separately-purchased ADA-compliant lift is acquired; a variance waiver will be in place to cover the staged installation. Once the trees are down, a concrete pad will be poured and the press box will arrive on a flatbed truck. A construction crane will lift the new press box into place.

Funding for the new press box was a collaborative effort. The Recreation Commission contributed funds, the School Committee helped, then the Bedford Athletic Association (BAA) stepped in to close the gap; BAA also will pay for the tree removal and a new public address system.

Jaci Edwards, speaking on behalf of Bedford’s Arbor Resources Committee, asked that an appropriately sized new tree be installed somewhere on the Bedford High School campus to replace each of the trees that will come down. Tree Warden Roy Sorenson agreed with alacrity, and the pines will be marked for removal. Once the trees are marked, the public will have two weeks to comment or object and seek further review.

A 10-inch locust to be removed at Davis School

A second important tree removal hearing will be held at 8:30 pm on Thursday, August 21 to consider the removal of a 10-inch locust to make room for the new modular classrooms at Davis School. The public is welcome to attend the hearing in the second floor conference room at the Department of Public Works, 314 The Great Road.

Correction: The original press box was dismantled in 2012, not last year as this story originally reported.

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Citizens for a Better Bedford
August 16, 2014 11:03 am

What is wrong with everyone? The trees add ambiance and dignity to the area. And to decimate for a new press box..really? Why not get a press box to fit the decor and not the other way around. Why are everyone’s priorities backwards. Let’s keep the beauty of the area and work with it. It takes years and even decades to grow trees as majestic and beautiful as those lining the area. Let’s get real and make a plan that suits the natural beauty of Bedford not just the indulgences of those who want to decimate them.

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