Town Releases Executive Summary from Coast Guard Housing Charrettes

Some of the housing options considered during the charrette - Image (c) DSK
Some of the housing options considered during the charrette, marked with participant attitude evaluations – Image (c) DSK

By Dot Bergin

If you’ve been following The Citizen’s coverage of events concerning the Coast Guard Housing site on Pine Hill Road, you will now find a comprehensive Executive Summary of the two design charrettes held in the spring; it was posted today on the town’s web site. Click here to read the full Executive Summary – Charrettes.

The charrettes were conducted by DSK (Dewing Schmid Kearns, Architects + Planners) and provided an opportunity for townspeople to see – and react to – a range of housing approaches along with other elements that make up a community: transportation, recreation, etc.

The Summary provides a detailed look at the site and outlines the possibilities for shaping a vision for the future of the property.  Everything you need to know – to date – can be found in the Summary.  As the Steering Committee said in its introduction, “It is our intent to share this report with all prospective developers of this property in the hopes that they too will share our vision.”

Readers will want to know “what is the next step?”  According to Assistant Town Manager Jessica Porter, the Town is now in the process of working with the General Services Administration to see if the Coast Guard, the actual owners of the property, will engage in a negotiated process to sell the site to the Town.  Purchaser would be the Municipal Affordable Housing Trust, which has the authority to buy and sell land without Town Meeting approval. Simultaneously, the Town would sell the property to a developer. Currently, a Request for Proposal (RFP) is being drafted by the Town to send to potential developers. The Citizen will continue to report on developments as they unfold over the coming weeks.

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Bedford Townie
August 13, 2014 3:05 pm

Just under $400,000 for a mini cottage with no land, and just a few feet away from the neighbors. How is this better than just letting average people buy the coast guard housing and remodeling? Of course the town would stick its nose where it doesn’t belong just trying to make a profit.

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