Governor Patrick Nixes Long-term Funding to Support Hanscom Students – Gordon & Barrett Push Back

Submitted by State Senator Michael Barrett (D-Lexington) and State Representative Ken Gordon (D-Bedford)

Barrett-Gordon-LogoIn place of an outright veto, Gov. Deval Patrick has sent back to the Legislature a section of the state budget that would have ensured permanent reimbursement to Bedford of the state’s share of costs to educate children of military families living at Hanscom Air Force Base.

The message accompanying the Governor’s action “recommends” that the Legislature drop the effort to write long-term funding into law. But the practical effect of the mild-sounding recommendation is to set up a threat of an outright veto in the future, should the Legislature disagree with the Governor and return the long-term language to him.

Patrick’s parliamentary maneuver leaves Bedford’s long-sought goal of permanent funding up in the air. Rep. Ken Gordon and Sen. Mike Barrett, the town’s legislative delegation, termed his action “deeply disappointing.” The pair must now consider what options are open to them this late in the legislative session, which ends July 31st.

“The battle isn’t over,” said Barrett, “but the outcome is very uncertain.” Barrett, along with Gordon, had succeeded in getting the permanent funding language into the budget submitted to the Governor.

Thanks to Barrett and Gordon’s work, the budget Patrick signed does provide $1.3 million to compensate towns for the upcoming year to educate children of military families residing on bases. This is the second straight budget in which the duo has managed to include nonpermanent, one-year-at-a-time aid.

The Governor’s message back to the Legislature states, “[The permanent provision] promises to reimburse municipalities every year for the additional costs of students of military families, at the fiscal year level of $1.3 million. I do not object to funding this program in the fiscal year 2015 budget, but I believe it is bad policy to codify this promise indefinitely, and I therefore recommend amending the section to remove this provision.”

“What the Governor has failed to recognize is the value that a predictable reimbursement plan will not only help the towns such as Bedford that educate the children of military families, but it will also assure the military that their children will be educated at their schools for years to come,” said Rep. Gordon. “This not only protects the towns and their tax-paying residents, but it also protects the bases if downsizing is considered in the future.”

“For years Bedford has been pleased to open its doors to kids of military families living on Hanscom,” Barrett said. “The town deserves the certainty of knowing that it’ll be reimbursed going forward.”

Presently, more than 100 Hanscom students attend high school at local expense. The town has accepted Hanscom students at Bedford High School for more than 50 years through an agreement with the Department of Defense, but the federal government reimburses for only a small portion of the educational costs involved.

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July 15, 2014 3:34 pm

It is only prudent for the governor to sign on to long term funding for Hanscom students to attend school in Bedford, as the military provide a benefit to ALL Americans not just Bedford Americans. Last I checked there was no war on Bedford, that war was fought back in the American Revolution and our Nation’s quest for Independence. Their fight was for our nation and not just our community. Just as such, the fight for funding should be fought at the federal level as well and not just relegated to the situs of the community in which any military base sits. If all Americans reap the benefits of having military to protect them, all communities should pay.

As for our elected representatives, both Sen. Mike Barrett and Rep. Ken Gordon have done exemplary work to get this funding through the legislature. However, it appears only our Governor disagrees. Perhaps he’s kicking the can down the road for our next elected official? Now, however, if the Federal Government wants to step up to the plate and provide complete funding for the 100 Hanscom students to attend Bedford High, that would be the most reasonable offer. Perhaps having everyone engage in a petition to the Governor while simultaneously engaging with their US Reps would help strengthen the battle. Remember it’s all up to us in the community to stand up for those who have stood up for us and all other Americans..that is to get the military students the long term funding that they earned and deserve.

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