Bedford Marketplace Site Review on Hold

Construction equipment at Bedford Marketplace in mid-July - Image (c) JMcCT, 2014
Construction equipment at Bedford Marketplace in mid-July – Image (c) JMcCT, 2014

By Marya Dantzer

Although excavation has begun on a section of the parking lot near Whole Foods at the Bedford Market Place, other aspects of an ambitious redevelopment project designed before the 2008 economic downturn appear to be in a holding pattern.  For a look at the expected scope of the project, see The Citizen’s June 4 article, Planning Board Will Review Major Reconstruction Proposed for Market Place Shopping Center.

At the past three Planning Board meetings, Planning Director Glenn Garber has delivered an oral update on communications—or lack thereof—with the property owner. “The ball is not in our court,” he said, noting that although changes to the 2008 design have been informally discussed, the plans approved in 2008 have not been updated. Strictly speaking, therefore, Garber noted that the Planning Board has “no role at this point.”

Both Garber and the Board indicated some frustration with the lack of information about a project that was believed to be imminent. Now, said Garber, “any site plan review might not happen until autumn.” In the interim, he added, “When they go for a building permit for façade work, we will require submission of elevations and renderings.”

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