Q&A: A Fact Sheet from the Bedford Planning Board

Submitted by Glenn Garber, Director of the Bedford Planning Department

Planning BoardThis special Fact Sheet was prepared and is released under the auspices of the Bedford Planning Board.

It contains data compiled in response to questions and concerns raised by citizens in regard to historical housing growth, types of housing built, affordable units, various issues of the economic base and taxation, open space preservation and related matters. There has been a great deal of speculation about such issues in recent months and the Board is trying to provide accurate, factual information for the benefit of all parties in the dialogue.

Clicking the “Learn More” link under each section will bring you to the Planning Board’s text on the topic.

What were the components of Bedford’s residential growth in the past 10 to 15 years?
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Why did Bedford’s subsidized housing inventory (SHI) spike so sharply in the past 10 years?
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What other types of multi-family housing exist in Bedford?
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Why does the comprehensive plan not address concerns about student performance?
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Should Bedford approve a freeze on residential development?
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Do cluster zoning and “open space residential development” connote only one type of housing?
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Can Bedford’s main housing strategy be to “overhaul homes in disrepair?”
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What are responses to other housing-related concerns and comments on the comprehensive plan?
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Can Bedford do anything about tax increases?
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Can anything be done about traffic?
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Have the town and other actors taken away so much green space that deer have been forced into yards and onto roads?
Click to learn more

Questions may be e-mailed to [email protected] or sent in writing to the Planning Department, Town Hall, 10 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 01730.

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