A Note from the Lane School Administration

January 28, 2014
This past week Lane School students and families have shined once again in celebration of our second annual “Soup-er-Bowl” challenge.  Only three days into the project and we are nearly half way to our goal of 2,116 items (what is what we collected last year – 964 more than our goal).   Courtesy photo
While donations are still welcome, Lane School was nearly half way to its goal of 2,116 items (what is what was collected last year – 964 more than our goal) after just three days! Courtesy photo

Submitted by Lane School Principal Rob Ackerman, and Assistant Principal Keith Kinney

Over the years we have discovered how fortunate we are to be able to work in Bedford.  Ok, the truth, as soon as we started here we knew it.  In short, Bedford is fantastic!  Each day of work is challenging in different ways, but nonetheless, work is fun and exciting no matter how stressful any situation is.  The students and staff of our schools are amazing.  The community as a whole is unbelievably supportive!  The actions of the community always speak louder than the words.

This past week Lane School students and families have shined once again in celebration of our second annual “Soup-er-Bowl” challenge.  Only three days into the project and we are nearly half way to our goal of 2,116 items (what is what we collected last year – 964 more than our goal).  Many students have flourished with the challenge in various ways.  Some students have been helping count and sort items during the morning collection; many have taken leadership roles in the classroom by encouraging their peers to participate Next week when we are finished with our collection, many students will help pack up trucks that will deliver the items to the Bedford Food Pantry.  Even at the point our school’s project will not be done.  Once at the food pantry our Lane School students and staff will be unpacking and stacking the shelves at the pantry.    Our school is a true example a hard work, pride, and commitment.

There are many perfect examples of how our students are motivated.  One particular student has taken our project so seriously that he has called relatives who have donated money to him so that he could purchase canned items.  On Thursday he showed up with two cases of soup and a big proud smile on his face!  Each day student’s swarm off the busses, walk down the street or role out of their cars with shopping bags in tote filled with cans!  It is actually very humbling seeing them work so hard just to carry in the items.  The look of determination and pride, even on really cold days is warming.  When we see this each morning, we as a school community are reassured of how deserving the kids and families are of recognition.  To us this is the WOW factor needed for us to know that our kids are engaged and committed. This is also a true example of how our student’s success can be measured beyond standardized exams.  To them we want to express how proud we are as a school of their work!

Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication!

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Ms . Gloria DeRocco
January 31, 2014 9:08 am

Our class worked hard, and we’re glad that we helped people in need. Even though our class didn’t win the Souper-Bowl at Lane School, we are winners in our classroom. More importantly, people, who will benefit from the food donations, will be the winners.

Lane School Ms. DeRocco’s 5th grade class.

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