Spirit of Democracy sermon at First Parish: Separation of Church and State by Barry Lynn

April 10, 2013

Submitted by First Parish on the Common

Rev. Barry Lynn   Image (c) www.keepthemseparate.org
Rev. Barry Lynn Image (c) www.keepthemseparate.org

On Sunday, April 14 at 10:00 a.m., the Rev. Barry Lynn will deliver the annual Spirit of Democracy sermon at Bedford’s First Parish, 75 The Great Road on the Town Common.  His topic is, “When Words Lose Their Meaning, The Constitution Crumbles.”  Lynn is the Executive Director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, based in Washington, D.C., and the nation’s formemost advocate for religous liberty as guaranteed by the Constitution.

“The separation of church and state may seem like old hat,” says First Parish senior minister, the Rev. John Gibbons.  “Unfortunately, these issues continue to blur in politics, health care and public policy. They factor in considerations of marriage equality, religious bias and school policies. We forget that the Constitution’s first amendment assures not only freedom of religion but assures freedom from religion as well.”

Barry Lynn is a long-time activist and lawyer in the civil liberties field, as well as an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ, offering a unique perspective on church-state issues.
 An accomplished speaker and lecturer, Lynn has appeared frequently on television and radio broadcasts to offer analysis of First Amendment issues.

First Parish sponsors the Spirit of Democrcy Sermon in honor of its late minister emeritus Jack Mendelsohn who died last October. Previous speakers have included former Massachusetts first lady Kitty Dukakis, Amnesty International Director Bill Schulz, Boston Globe columnist Derrick Jackson, Doonesbury character and Stanford chaplain Scotty McLennan, theologian Thandeka, and Simmons College President Susan Scrimshaw.

First Parish is a Unitarian Universalist congregation located at 75 The Great Road, on the Bedford Town Common.  All facilities are handicapped accessible.  For more information, visit uubedford.org or call 781-275-7994.

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April 10, 2013 7:11 pm

I am looking forward to meeting him!

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