Conservation Commission Backs BHS Senior’s Fawn Lake Project

Fawn Lake on a foggy morning  Image (c) JMcCT 2011
Fawn Lake on a foggy morning Image (c) JMcCT 2011

By Kim Siebert MacPhail

Adam Appelbaum, a student at Bedford High School, presented a three-part planto the Conservation Commission on Wednesday night for improved seating and plantings along the banks of Fawn Lake. The project includes adding shrubbery around an existing metal bench on the Springs Road side of the lake, adding a backrest to an existing wooden bench near the ledge, and purchasing and securing Adirondack chairs for the open area near the Sweetwater Avenue side.

“This is my senior project—it’s a major that I get [academic] credit for,” explained Appelbaum. “It’s a conservation project where I’m improving and beautifying Fawn [Lake] so, basically, I’m giving back to the community as best I can.”

Appelbaum conceived of the plan, identified what materials to use, how to secure the chairs, and calculated how much the project would cost before approaching the Commission for permission and support.

“The area by the memorial iron bench is very degraded,” said Conservation Administrator Elizabeth Bagdonas. I asked DPW to remove some dead shrubs that were there—it was really an eyesore. There’d been storm damage and vandalism and everything else. But now there’s nothing growing there and I think this is an opportunity to get a couple of native shrubs. I’d be asking [the Commission] to fund the shrubs.”

Conservation Commission member Art Smith questioned Appelbaum closely about the type of materials he intends to use and how he plans to secure the Adirondack chairs.

“We need to work out a detail of [how you’re going to secure the chairs],” Smith said. “I love this idea. I’m just concerned it’s going to last.

“I’d be glad to work with you on this,” Smith told Appelbaum.

The Commission voted to support the Fawn Lake project with funds up to $250.00. Appelbaum said that he would fundraise for costs above that amount if necessary.

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