Dan Silverman Appointed to Transportation Advisory Committee

By Kim Siebert MacPhail

Dan Silverman, appointed to the Transportation Advisory Committee -   Image (c) KSM, 2013
Dan Silverman, appointed to the Transportation Advisory Committee – Image (c) KSM, 2013

The Selectmen have unanimously appointed Dan Silverman of South Road to serve on the Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC). Silverman comes highly qualified for the position after a career in transportation as an engineering technician and roadway designer.

“I think I can be of some help on the committee,” Silverman said. “For the last 44 years, I’ve worked in every aspect of transportation—designed roadways, highways, intersection improvements, MBTA signals, parking lots, sidewalks, rights-of way, handicapped access. I think having done all that for that length of time, I just might be able to provide a little help.”

“That sounds like a plausible argument,” joked Selectmen Chair Bill Moonan.

Margot Fleischman, the Selectmen’s liaison to the TAC, related that Silverman had already attended two meetings of the committee prior to being appointed and had been an active participant who “showcased his technical knowledge and experience” and “brought some interesting ideas to the discussions about issues we were struggling with. I commend him for being willing to continue past his retirement in the same field.”

Silverman explained that he had had to wait until retirement to volunteer because being on the committee while he was still working would have constituted a conflict of interest.

Selectman Mike Rosenberg raised the issue of “the simmering proposal in Lexington to replace the light at Hartwell Avenue [and Bedford Street] with a roundabout. It’s likely to impact Bedford.”

“I hadn’t heard anything about that,” responded Silverman. “Are they nuts or what?”

“It’s partially designed already,” added Selectman Mark Siegenthaler.

“We’ll be monitoring that as it develops,” assured Fleischman. “Whatever they do there will affect Bedford. We’ll see that at the corner of Great Road and South Road—that will be the impact location [where the biggest effects will be experienced].”

Silverman noted that his expertise with Photoshop also allows him to produce facsimiles of proposed roadway improvements for projects as they are being considered.

“I can draw on the picture and show pretty much what it’s going to look like. It’s a great tool,” Silverman said.

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Terry Gleason
August 25, 2013 9:51 pm

It’s important people understand that roundabouts are not the same as rotaries. Northampton recently replaced a congested intersection w/ a roundabout. The town engineer made a presentation at last year’s Moving Together Conference, and reported the roundabout was a great improvement.
-Terry Gleason

August 23, 2013 12:24 am

Replace the traffic light at Bedford St and Hartwell with a roundabout? Are they insane? That would make things hugely more dangerous there. The state has been trying for years and years to get rid of the hideous rotary on route 2 by the Concord prison and have had no luck. Why in the world would any sane official suggest turning a traffic light into a rotary? Gawd. Are they high?

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