Status of Coast Guard Housing On Pine Hill About to Change

December 19, 2012


Bedford's Coast Guard housing is tucked into a tidy little neighborhood
Bedford’s Coast Guard housing is tucked into a tidy little neighborhood

By Kim Siebert MacPhail

Selectmen Margot Fleischman reported that Colonel Lester Weilacher, Jr., Commander of Hanscom Air Force Base, arranged a “very helpful meeting” with Captain Timothy Heitsch, Commander of the Boston Coast Guard Base, to discuss the disposition of the Coast Guard housing on Pine Hill Road.

“It was a very useful discussion and a step forward in getting some clearer lines of communication between ourselves and the Coast Guard regarding what’s going to happen to the housing,” Fleischman said. “It does look as if it is in the process of being turned over to the US General Services Administration (GSA) [in the next few months] for discharge from [Coast Guard] ownership.”

Selectman Bill Moonan added that about a year and a half ago, he looked into the matter as well.

“I’m thrilled to hear about the progress. I was trying to talk to the Coast Guard about what they’re doing with the buildings and was informed that they were ‘studying’ the issue and they’d get back to us in the spring of 2012. At that time, our US Representative John Tierney was a great help in getting them to talk to us and to respond. By the way, the Coast Guard did say to me that they would hand off real estate like this at full market value.

“I know there’s a lot of desire in this town to have at least some of that property made available on an affordable basis,” Moonan continued. “I wonder if we, as Selectmen, might want to get involved with Mr. Tierney’s office again in trying to make sure that the GSA pays some attention to that desire.”

Fleishman said that it seems as though the disposition of the property might be hierarchical, meaning that other government branches would have first refusal.

It would go down from federal to state level before the Town would be involved. We’d be near last, before the public,” she said.

“The VA might gobble it up,” Selectmen Rosenberg added. “Or Massport.”

“The idea is that this gives us the opportunity to open a discussion,” said Chair Cathy Cordes. “We certainly could include our representative if we wanted to do something at a federal level, if we wanted to move up the food chain.”

“We shared with Captain Heitsch that the Town, in general, favored affordable housing—that this was an attractive location because [it’s near] transportation and the center of town— and we’re very pleased that he has let us know [about the status of the property],” Cordes continued. “He agreed to continue to be helpful. He offered his office if we wanted to look at the property—his office is still in control and still has the keys.”

Fleischman added that the Coast Guard would maintain and secure the property through the entire period, even though the final determination of the property would come through the GSA.

Moonan said the Housing Authority has confirmed its interest in being involved in the management and distribution of the property, if and when the time comes.

View images of Bedford’s Coast Guard Housing neighborhood.



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January 3, 2013 12:43 pm

We have enough affordable housing! Let’s put the property up for auction with the stipulation that it is used for residential housing and let the market dictate what goes in. I bet anything a nice neighborhood would develop and the old outdated houses that are there could get re-built.

January 17, 2013 9:39 pm

Does anyone know how much of Bedford’s affordable housing is only affordable for a limited number of years? Or is it all permanently in that category? I have a feeling that developers only have to commit to 15-20 years, and then their units revert to market rates- and they can do it sooner if they pay back a special mortgage. But I’m not sure if that was only somewhere else in MA, and may not apply to Bedford’s housing stock.

December 27, 2012 7:20 pm

If anything we need more senior housing in the Town. Our taxes are driving many of our seniors to other towns that are more affordable. These homes would be nice for long term Bedford seniors who need smaller more affordable housing. I also agree that we do not need more affordable housing in Bedford. This is already impacting our schools which are running at capacity.

January 1, 2013 2:50 pm
Reply to  joep

I am confused – you say “Bedford seniors who need smaller more affordable housing” but then you say “we do not need more affordable housing in Bedford”. Are you sure the affordable housing really impacts the schools? I also wonder if the CG housing is even habitable now after being empty and neglected for years. It might well be that the only option is to tear them all down and build anew.

December 23, 2012 8:42 pm

I found a link on which claims to show the percentage affordable housing units in all MA communities:

Well, it’s actually not clear to me what the map is showing. The headline says the map indicates percentage of housing units which are affordable but the legend says the map indicates the percentage of subsidized housing units. The map indicates is at 18 pct. (18 pct seems ridiculously high for it to be subsidized units.) Can anyone provide insight on the actual percentage of affordable units and pct subsidized units? Are people living in ‘transitional housing’ in town being counted as living in subsidized housing?

December 21, 2012 4:47 pm

Apparently, I’m registered on Disquis as Julie. I’ll have to figure out how to untangle that but for now, please excuse the confusion.

December 21, 2012 4:45 pm

Just counted them Brian. There are fifteen.

December 19, 2012 9:03 pm

Why is the default position by the Selectman that it be more affordable housing? As a town, we are well past the state mandated percent of affordable housing and one of the highest in the state. Best scenario is to sell at market value and get maximum property tax dollar contribution from this area which will help make the town more affordable for everyone else and support the level of town service we want. Given the size of these homes it will meet an important more affordable price point without the town subsidizing.

Brian Hart
December 19, 2012 5:36 pm

How many houses are involved?

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