Celebrate Calm, tonight and in the morning

November 7, 2012

Submitted by Daisy Girifalco and Monica Bou

According to someone in the know, this evening’s and tomorrow morning’s (November 7 at 7pm and November 8 at 9:30am) presentations by Kirk and Casey of Celebrate Calm (www.celebratecalm.com) will take the town by storm.These are duplicate presentations, so it’s only necessary to attend one of them.

The workshops are free of charge and open to the public. Teachers, administrators, babysitters, grandparents and parents as well as accompanied children ages 10 and older are encouraged to attend. The presentations promise to be educational and entertaining.

The event has been organized by Monica Bou and Daisy Girifalco, a pair of Bedford moms and business owners, (iDance Boston and Bedford Children’s Center, respectively).  The idea hatched as they sat poolside this summer, bearing up through the dog days of summer at home at with their children.

Monica mentioned that a friend who had seen Kirk and Caseyin New Jersey; she reported that the tools gleaned from the presentation were invaluable, and they changed her life.“My friend raves about them and said it was the most entertaining and educational hour of a workshop she’s ever been to” said Bou, so she started the ball rolling for Kirk and Casey to come to Bedford.

“Our goal is to have a presentation where people can have tools to implement immediately,” says Girifalco, and Kirk and Casey promise to deliver. “Parents will walk out of the presentation with at least 25 very specific, practical tools that will help them immediately. Topics included in the talk will be morning routine, homework time, power struggles, meltdowns, defiance, and much more. The content that fits into a two-hour presentation is amazing. It’s not a boring lecture and it is not a sales pitch for a bigger program.

“I will show parents exactly what to do and say in various situations so they can go home and put the strategies into practice the next morning, afternoon and evening” says lead presenter, Kirk Martin.

The program will be presented in the community room at St. Michael’s Church.

For additional information contact [email protected].

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November 7, 2012 4:34 pm

Here is a video preview of the Celebrate Calm presentation. It’s only 3 minutes. Watch and see if this describes your home!

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