Noted filmmaker Ken Burns Visits Carleton-Willard

October 3, 2012

Submitted by Carleton-Willard Village

During his visit, Burns met with Carleton-Willard’s World War II Memory Project volunteers. Image (c) Carleton-Willard 2012 All rights reserved

The Carleton-Willard auditorium was filled on Monday as residents eagerly waited to hear a talk from legendary documentary filmmaker Ken Burns. And they were not disappointed.  For the next hour and a half, Mr. Burns delighted the crowd with clips from past projects, including the award-winning The Civil War and the recently released film on World War II, The War. He also talked about and showed segments from the soon to be released The Dust Bowl as well as an upcoming film on Teddy, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.  Taking questions afterwards, he talked about the meticulous process he uses in filmmaking, the important part played by the music, and his perspective on society and how it has changed in the years since World War II.

Ward Chamberlain and Ken Burns Image (c) Carleton-Willard 2012 All rights reserved

Ken Burns’ visit to Carleton-Willard Village came about because of a 30-year relationship with one of its residents, Ward Chamberlin. Mr. Chamberlin was one of the founders of Public Broadcasting in the United States and was instrumental in bringing The Civil War to the airwaves. In the decades since, they have maintained a personal friendship as well as a strong professional relationship. During his visit, Mr. Burns also spent time with Carleton-Willard’s World War II Memories Committee, a group of residents who have been developing video oral histories of their wartime experiences.

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