Water Woes Briefly Return

September 26, 2012
The Pine Hill water tank is back on line.

By Kim Siebert MacPhail

Public Works Director Rich Warrington reported today that, although things have generally improved, some recent localized tests of the water system have again been returned with positive readings for total coliform bacteria, the same benign but worrisome bacteria that plagued Bedford for much of the summer. Total coliform itself is not harmful but it signals that conditions could be favorable for other, more dangerous bacteria to grow. The water continues to be safe to consume and no action on the part of residents is required.

The positive test sites— along with all other water system testing sites— were retested following the positive readings but the second samples were found to be clear of total coliform, Warrington said. Nonetheless, the Town will be sending out letters to all households to inform them of the positive readings.

Warrington added that both town water tanks—one on Crosby Drive and the other on Pine Hill—are now back in service after being disinfected and refilled with water. The only component of Bedford’s water system still offline is the Shawsheen well field. The state has determined that the town should wait until the bacteria concerns are thoroughly put to rest before adding the well field water source back into the equation.

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Rachel Lewis Murphy
September 26, 2012 9:36 pm

I strongly suggest that the people of Bedford be told to use filtered water by putting a filter on their faucets or buying bottled water for drinking and boil water for cooking.

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