The Citizen Digest for Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 6, 2012

This week’s Community Digest, a weekly compendium of announcements by organizations in Bedford, highlights tomorrow’s Womenade’s autumn fundraiser, Sunday morning bus service, First Parish Unitarian Universalist’s annual ingathering service on Bedford Common, the Rotary Club’s 9/11 observance, Bedford Day events (Library book sale, Danny Oates 5k road race and First Church’s Pancake Breakfast) a the Farmers’ Market TED talk.

Womenade’s Autumn Potluck – TOMORROW, Friday, September 7
Submitted by Nancy Latady

Womenade’s autumn 2012 pot luck will take place at 7:30 pm on Friday, September 7. Hostess Please join us for an evening together Friday, September 7th @ 7:30 PM at Beth Petipas’s home, 5 Sweetwater Avenue.

The autumn 2012 event will benefit a Bedford mom who’s awaiting a liver transplant at the Mayo Clinic in Florida.  Proceeds from this Bedford Womenade event will help the family with unforeseen medical costs and other expenses.  In lieu of gift cards, we will be collecting financial contributions which will all go directly to the family.

If your last name starts with … please bring …: A-E: dessert; F-L: wine or other beverage; M-Z: appetizer. For further information, contact Womenade board member Nancy Latady at [email protected].

Sunday Morning Bus Service
Submitted by First Parish on the Common

After a break for the summer, regular Sunday morning bus service from Carleton-Willard Village to all Bedford churches will resume on Sunday, September 9. On most Sundays, the bus departs from Carleton-Willard’s main entrance at 8:30 a.m., again at 10:30 a.m., and also at times in-between, thus accommodating those churches with differing worship times. The shuttle service operates continuously from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. The bus is free of charge and available to anyone whether or not he or she is Carleton-Willard resident. It is not necessary to reserve a seat ahead of time.

On three-day holiday weekends and occasional other Sundays, the schedule will be slightly abbreviated. A printed schedule for the entire year is available from the First Parish office. The bus service is provided by First Parish and by Carleton-Willard Village with a bus and driver from Bedford Charter. It is also possible for riders to be picked up at their home or other location by pre-arrangement with the First Parish office, 781-275-7994.

Please note that there will be an abbreviated schedule on Sunday, September 9.  The bus will leave Carleton-Willard at 9:30 and return at approximately 11:30.

Genki Spark to Ignite Ingathering Extravaganza at First Parish
Submitted by First Parish on the Common

After a summer of informal lay-led services, Bedford’s First Parish   resumes with an Ingathering Extravaganza on Sunday morning,   September 9 at 10:00 a.m. Weather-permitting, the congregation will   gather outdoors on the Bedford Town Common.  Special guests will be   Genki Spark, “a multi-generational Asian women’s performance troupe   that uses Japanese taiko drumming, martial arts, spoken word, dance,   and personal stories to inspire creativity, build community, and   promote cultural pride to further a world of respect for all.” Genki   is Japanese for “enthusiastic, energetic, lively” – which is what   the morning will be.  All are welcome!

Jazz musicians Bob and Fran Tyler will also play and the First   Parish Choir – fresh from a performance of the National Anthem at a   Lowell Spinners game – will perform under the direction of Brad   Conner.  Ministers John Gibbons and Megan Lynes, along with Board   President Mike Boczenowski will welcome everyone to a new church   season. Director of Religious Education Lisa Rubin and youth music   director Janet Welby will especially welcome children and help   register for upcoming classes and choirs.

Everyone is encouraged to bring a small amount of water from your   tap or summer travels which will be commingled in an annual Water   Ceremony, directed by intern minister Joe Cleveland.  Afterward,   Iraqi friends from the Babylon Restaurant in Lowell will provide   food to share and purchase.  If you’re not thoroughly sated, Board   members will serve coffee and bagels indoors.  All are encouraged to   bring blankets, folding chairs and a festive spirit!

Beginning on September 16, First Parish services will be held at   both 9:00 & 11:00 a.m., except for three-day weekends and other   exceptions when there is only one service at 10:00.  For more   information, please visit or call   781-275-7994.

9/11 observance at the entrance to Springs Brook Park
Submitted by Susanna Natti for the Rotary Club of Bedford

On September 11, 10:00 a.m., the Rotary Club of Bedford will hold a Memorial Service to honor and remember those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001.   The service will take place at the beautiful 9-11 Memorial Park, located just past the gates of Springs Brook Park.   The landscaping at the Memorial Park has symbolic significance:  two red maples, the state tree of New York, represent the twin towers; four Kousa dogwoods represent the planes; nine Rose of Sharon shrubs represent the ninth month and eleven stones represent the eleventh day.   Parking is available just before the gates at the entrance to the park

AAUW to meet in Bedford on September 7
Submitted by Karen Bragaw for the Bedford/Lexington AAUW

The Bedford/Lexington AAUW (American Association of University Women) will hold its fall kickoff meeting on Tuesday September 11th at the Bedford Town Center, 12 Mudge Way at 7pm.
AAUW is open to anyone who supports the effort to promote education and equity for women and girls. The local organization has been active in the local community for 52 years, and the national AAUW is more than 130 years old. AAUW is the largest non-government provider of scholarships for women and is an advocate for public policy that supports women.

The kickoff meeting will go over this year’s programs and activities with special emphasis on getting out the vote for the upcoming elections.

After September, the meetings will normally be on the first Wednesday of the month at the Bedford Free Public Library at 7pm.

The AAUW meetings are free and open to the public.

Bedford Day Pancake Breakfast at First Church of Christ
Submitted by Suzie Barry for First Church of Christ

On September 15, 2012 as part of the 2012 Bedford Day celebration, the First Church of Christ Congregational, UCC of Bedford, 25 Great Road, Bedford is hosting a pancake breakfast, free to military families and veterans.  The event will start at 7:30 am and conclude at 10:30 am, just before the parade begins.  The general public is also welcome to enjoy breakfast, with proceeds (suggested donation of $3.00 per adult or $10.00 per family) going towards the Wounded Warrior Project,

For more information, please contact Rick Burke at [email protected] or the Church Office at 781-275-7951.

Shedding Light on the Food Industry, another TED talk
Submitted by the Bedford Farmers’ Market and the Bedford Free Public Library

Sunday, September 30th, 2:00 in the Library Meeting Room 7 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 781-275-9440

Shedding Light on the Food Industry”, A TED Talk with Robyn O’Brien, former Wall Street food industry analyst and author of “The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick and What We Can Do About It.”  “This mother of four was shaken awake by the dangerous allergic reaction of one of her children to a ‘typical’ breakfast. Her mission to unearth the cause revealed more about the food industry than she could stomach, and impelled her to share her findings with others. Robyn brings insight, compassion and detailed analysis to her research into the impact that the global food system is having on the health of our children. She founded and was named by Forbes as one of “20 Inspiring Women to Follow on Twitter.” The New York Times has passionately described her as ‘Food’s Erin Brockovich.’ “

A discussion will follow the screening of O’Brien’s TED Talk.

Submitted by Sue Baldauf, Bedford Youth and Family Services

Bedford Youth and Family Services (BYFS) is pleased to announce the availability of their Community Social Services Reference Guide at their offices at Bedford Town Center.  Published every other year, the Guide offers a revised and updated listing of local resources to help residents with basic information and general questions about local resources.  An electronic version is also available on the BYFS web page accessed via the Town of Bedford website –

Paid for through Town funding, the Guide has been subsidized and printed in large enough quantities to be mailed to the home of every resident of Bedford and Hanscom Air Force Base towards the end of August.   If you are a Bedford resident and do not receive the Guide, they are available while supplies last at the BYFS offices in Town Center building.

A municipal department and a resource for the community, Bedford Youth and Family Services strives to identify and address the social, emotional, and developmental needs of children, youth, adults, and families in Bedford through programs and services that support and nurture.  Working in partnership with all citizens, community organizations, and other Town and School departments, Bedford Youth and Family Services works to foster a healthy community and enhance the quality of life in Bedford.  The department offers supportive counseling services, community education, resource and referral, and youth empowerment and support.

Conveniently located in office space on the second floor of Town Center, 12 Mudge Way – or the ‘yellow building’ behind Town Hall – Bedford Youth and Family Services welcomes residents dropping by to pick up a Guide and see the other resources available to residents.  The Guides will also be available at Bedford Day September 15th   at the resource table outside their Town Center offices.  For more information please contact Sue Baldauf, Director, at 781-275-7727 or email at [email protected]

Monthly morning parenting workshops at Café Darling
Submitted by Café Darling

Mare Briere is going to be hosting a parent workshop every 3rd monday from 9:45am to 11am.

If your organization has news to share, send it to [email protected]. We request that you limit your press release to 300 words. The deadline for electronic copy is Tuesday noon for publication on Wednesday. High resolution photographs are welcome as attached jpgs; images embedded within e-mails cannot be accepted.

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September 6, 2012 5:47 pm

Good job Sue

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