Dot’s Reading Room – June 2024  

June 20, 2024

If you’ve followed the Reading Room over the past years, you know that our main source for the articles we point out to you is The Conversation. It’s a venture that partners with academia across all disciplines to seek out timely, relevant research by verified experts. Best of all, The Conversation gives away all the stories for free under a Creative Commons license.  

Number two on the list of The Conversation’s most popular stories from March to May is one we posted in a recent Reading Room.  Apparently many others were intrigued by this ship captain’s story as well.

Most popular stories: March-May

Here are The Conversation’s five top stories of the last quarter, showing some of the range of subjects covered and the outlets where the work appears:

  1. La Nina is on its way back. An atmospheric scientist explains what to expect (republished by PBS NewsHour)
  2. I’ve captained ships into tight ports like Baltimore, and this is how captains like me work with harbor pilots to avoid deadly collisions  (Yahoo! News)
  3. What to know about cataract surgery (Washington Post)
  4. DNA says you’re related to a Viking, a medieval German Jew or a 1700s enslaved African? What a genetic match really means (Live Science)
  5. Why Are Americans Fighting Over No-Fault Divorce? (Digg)

If any of these look appealing, click on the link to retrieve the article.

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