Bedford Resident Walks the Jimmy Fund Walk for More Tomorrows

Submitted by the Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk  

Bedford resident Linda Peterson registered for the Boston Marathon® Jimmy Fund Walk  presented by Hyundai for “more tomorrows” after being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Linda has dedicated her life to running and biking for a cause until she was too sick to walk. Her diagnosis felt like a death sentence with exhausting treatments and painful surgery slowly depleting her happiness and strength.

But as she kept “living her life, keeping faith, and staying strong” she was able to defy cancer and build a community of support. And now she wants to start giving back to the nurses, doctors, and friends who have been there through the heartache and pain.

Following the hardest year of her life, Linda finally felt strong enough to join the Jimmy Fund Walk to walk for healthier futures for all. Her team, Team Flower Power, has three members so far. Check out Linda’s donation page here.

“If I am healthy on Walk Day I don’t care if it is raining or snowing or how hard it is; I am walking for every family that is affected,” Linda says.

Breast cancer survivor and Bedford resident Linda Peterson is walking in the 2024 Jimmy Fund Walk. Courtesy Image.

The 2024 Jimmy Fund Walk will take place on Sunday, Oct. 6, and raises funds to support all forms of adult and pediatric patient care and cancer research at the nation’s premier cancer center, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Whether participating for themselves, loved ones, neighbors, or co-workers, each walker shares a common purpose: to defy cancer and support breakthroughs that will benefit cancer patients around the world.

Participants have the flexibility to choose from four distance options: 5K walk (from Dana-Farber Cancer Institute); 10K walk (from Newton); Half Marathon walk (from Wellesley); Marathon walk (from Hopkinton). Walkers can participate virtually, as well.

The Jimmy Fund Walk has raised more than $176 million for Dana-Farber Cancer in its 35-year history, raising a record-breaking $9.4 million in 2023. To register for the Walk (#JimmyFundWalk) or to support a walker, visit or call (866) 531-9255.

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